Monday 23 April 2012

Tabitha Rose - Short story

Tabitha Rose with her little button noise was exactly twelve and a quarter years old. She had long kinda scruffy curly fair hair and Bambi brown eyes. Tabitha did her best too be a good little witchling, because everyone told her that one day she would be a great witch and would be highly respected and sought after by everyone in the magical world!

But everybody knows that a twelve year old (sorry twelve and a quarter) has no concept of what there actions can cause, or even if they do have a legacy to carry on, after there parents have hit the grave, why would they care?? Why should someone so young, have that kind of weight pending on there shoulders???
Thousands of people for centuries haven’t seemed to grasp this concept yet, but Hey!!! I can’t go around hitting people with shovels to try and make them understand, nah! That takes a little too much effort.
Right, now I’m getting side tracked, see what you made do!!!? Honestly!! Now back to where I was.

Tabitha went too school at Castillo Cave, it was a grand castle, that must have been at least 50ft tall, and it was clattered with gargoyles (you see gargoyles keep evil things out, plus there seriously misunderstood creatures, not many people know this, so I thought I would through that one in there) and at the very least 60ft wide, thousands of people sent their children here; vampires, witches, wolves est. (You know zombies and what not) Anyway I’m sure your wondering what this story’s about, well its like all the rest I suppose; young girl saves the world and lives happily ever after, goes to bed with a nice mug of hot coco and a kiss from mummy and daddy, the end…… Yeah right!!! When has anything I’ve ever written been happy??
No I didn’t think so, No children this is a story that will make you want to shrivel up and die under a rock, this story will make you laugh, maybe make you cry, but it is most definitely a most un-happy tale (sorry!......Oh wait a minute I’m not!!) you must understand before you read on, this is no fairytale and its probley a good idea not too let your children read it, or anyone over the age of sixty. (Don’t want to be responsible for another stroke, thanks) I have the unfortunate gift of writing story’s that will chill you to your very core and most of them happen’ to be true….. This, this one is true, oh I really do wish it wasn’t, but life isn’t full of happy endings…………


“Tammie! Tammie! Get out of bed you lazy sod!” exclaimed Tabitha throwing rocks (well pebbles really) at Tammie Monroe’s window (Tammie & Tabitha have been best friends since they were tots) 
After about five minutes of shouting and throwing pebbles, a scowling Tammie poked her head out the window “Are you kidding me!? Its 8:30!” she grumbled, trying too give Tabitha the evilest look she could, but Tabitha just grinned “Get down here, I’ve got something too show you”
About ten minutes later Tammie, reappeared at the front door, looking particularly grouchy “This had better be life or death!” she scowled Tammie, as she sort of shrugged into her heavy looking jacket
“Oh, lighten’ up Tam’s!” Tabitha said patting her friend on the back, as though congratulating her on a job well done.  “So where is it that were, going” she grumbled
“To the bridge, too meet Sam, she said she had to tell us something” Tabitha explained as they walked down the old path that twisted like a snake, and ran past an old mill, that had been burnt down.
As Tabitha and Tammie walked along the path, Tammie looked up ahead at the old mill that was just lying there, charred and rusted away, everything else in the town was well looked after, but no one did anything about the mill, when they were kids their parents told them stories about a witch that was burnt alive in there, because she had done something that was apparently unforgivable. But no one ever told them what the ‘supposed’ crime was. No body ever went inside it, because everyone was told the exact same story.
“Careful, if you look at it long enough, it just might eat, you” Tabitha sniggered, as Tammie tried to hit her “Shut it, Tabby!” Tammie shuddered “I hate that thing!” she said nodding in the direction of the now crumbled, blackened mill  

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